As every three months, FADA (Agricultural Foundation for Development of Argentina) presented its Index corresponding to the month of September, which revealed that 56.4% of agricultural income is distributed at different levels of the State. That is to say that, of every $ 100 that the field generates, $ 56.4 go to the governments: municipal, provincial or national.
In this study, income is understood as the result of the value of production minus costs.
David Miazzo, Chief Economist of FADA, explains that “the variables that come into play in the index movement are mainly price, exchange rate, costs and yields”.
When asked about the distribution of what the State is staying, it clarifies that “that 56.4% of the State’s participation is made up of national, provincial and municipal taxes, some of which are shared and some are not.”
“The non-co-participable national taxes make up 55.7% of the total taxes faced by an agricultural hectare in Argentina and are, mainly, export duties, to which the tax is added to bank credits and debits,” he says. The report.
The national co-participable taxes between the national State and the provincial States are 38.6% of the taxes measured. The majority is occupied by income tax and VAT. The provinces receive part of this 38.6% as co-participation, and also collect various taxes. Thus, provincial taxes are 4.9% of total taxes. Finally, municipal taxes make up 0.8% of taxes in the national average FADA Index. The central component of these municipal taxes are road taxes.
FADA also explained that “while the weighted average of crops nationwide is 56.4%, the State’s share in soybeans is 62.1%, in corn 48.9%, in wheat 43.9% and in sunflower 61.1%. The differences between each crop lie in taxes, as in the case of soybeans that have 18% more export rights than the rest, and in the income generated by each crop, the lower the profitability, the greater the relative participation of taxes. ”